July 6 - Small Parts

I have returned from vacation with many packages waiting for me, and still more yet to come. Although the chassis is nearly complete, there still remain many less glamorous to be done, including mounting parts, wiring everything, and constructing suspension arms. Since the last update, I ordered about $200 worth of parts online, including front and side windows, lights, wire harnesses, bearings, and programming cables. Most of these have arrived, with some still in transit from Asia. I also purchased my rear wheel, which is quite light, from a Yamaha YZF R1, a very quick motorcycle with over 120 hp.

Also of note is the programming cable. I followed these instructions:


These directions were difficult to follow to say the least, however most of the parts seem to be unnecessary. Using a KPG-4 ham radio to USB programming cable, a 74LS04 inverter, a 4-Post wiring harness, another USB cable (for getting 5v to power the inverter), and a computer program, which I have downloaded for free, I think I have created a useable alternative to the $700+ programmer sold by the company. 

I will be running around town in the morning getting even more little parts. Even in a bare-bones 1-seater, the amount of parts needed is amazing. I have yet to run the numbers, but I fear my $1000 budget has become $1200. I am praying that this thing is worth it.

Disclosure: I am no expert, nor am I liable for any injuries or death that may come about should you try to replicate my project. Do not mistake my writings for expert advice or for facts. I often get things wrong.